Remot Komputer via internet

 Remot Komputer via internet

How To Remote The Computer (Remote Desktop) Via Internet

If you are in other place, other region or other country, you can still  be able to connect to your home/office computer, your friend's computer, etc, using remote desktop connection over the internet.

Using remote desktop connection you are like at the front of the (remote) computer, because the display or screen looks the same.

There are many software provide facilities for remote desktop connection over the internet, one is : TeamViewer, the powerful  remote solution software. You can  download from it's website at, the installer size is about 3MB, (free for personal, pay for commercial use),  or you can download for the zip file here (for Windows).

Installing is very easy, just click Next and next..until finish/completed. (use default setting / no need to change the option).
After installation completed, open the application. (Do for both computers, local computer and  opposite/remote computer ) .
this window will appear :

It will displays the ID and the password. This ID and password must be given to the opposite team viewer user (who will remote this computer). Use SMS, email, phone, etc to give the ID and password to the opposite teamviewer.
Fill the ID on Partner ID Column  and then click Connect to Partner, then will be asked for password, fill in the password

If no problem happen, the remote computer will be shown.

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