This is a responsive girly template blogger, was another version of Johny Prett template. I just added this template with free Camera Slideshow from Manuel Masia in www.pixedelic.com.
It's just a simple template blogger with girly style, blue and pink
color with a 3 colum in homepage. Tag H1 and H2 ready to more SEO and
visitor friendly to your blog. You can use this template for your daily
blog. Feel free to get this template. And if you have any question about
this template visit this link for more detail
Template Name : Johny Genit
Author : Maskolis
Url Instruction : Creating Website
Designer : Creating Website
Url Designer : www.maskolis.com
I suggest you to save any javascript in this template with your own Google Code or another file hosting for better result. Read this tutorial to save Javascript in to your own Google Code.